Arise Home Ed. Conference 2025

Africa Worksheets: World Geography – Sample Lesson


Original price was: £5.00.Current price is: £0.00.

Check out these Africa Worksheets in the Let’s Study World Geography Sample Lesson!

In this sample lesson, you will get a sneak peek into what a weekly lesson looks like. You’ll also have the opportunity to learn about the fascinating explorer David Livingstone and explore four African countries in depth using the weekly Africa worksheets, quizzes and mapping resources.

This sample lesson is just a taste of what you can expect from the complete 15-week self-paced study. It is perfect for homeschooling high school students. The Let’s Study World Geography-Africa has everything you need to make learning fun and informative.

So don’t miss out on this opportunity to delve into the exciting world of geography. Get ready to embark on a journey that will expand your understanding of the world around you. Try out our sample lesson today and discover all that Let’s Study World Geography has to offer!



Check out these Africa Worksheets in the Let’s Study World Geography Sample Lesson!

In this sample lesson, you will get a sneak peek into what a weekly lesson looks like. You’ll also have the opportunity to learn about the fascinating explorer David Livingstone and explore four African countries in depth using the weekly Africa worksheets, quizzes, and mapping resources.

This sample lesson is just a taste of what you can expect from the complete 15-week self-paced study. It is perfect for homeschooling high school students. The Let’s Study World Geography-Africa has everything you need to make learning fun and informative for high schoolers studying the continent of Africa.

So don’t miss out on this opportunity to delve into the exciting world of geography. Get ready to embark on a journey that will expand your understanding of the world around you. Try out our sample lesson today and discover all that Let’s Study World Geography has to offer!

Keep reading for details about the complete Africa Self-Paced course.

Capture The Beauty Of Africa And The Curiosity Of Your Homeschooler.

The ‘Let’s Study World Geography – Africa’ self-paced class, at Arise Home Education, is perfect for high school homeschoolers wanting a self-paced, online homeschool course to explore the geography of and fun facts of Africa. The self-paced video lessons and weekly homework (including Africa worksheets to help teens learn more effectively) is perfect for homeschool students aged 13+ who want to explore geography using the world as their classroom but need to go at a different pace than a traditional online class setting.

Get ready to learn about South Africa, the countries of West Africa, the rich natural resources of Central Africa, and the unique ways of living in North Africa.

As this is not a live class with Arise. The pace of the class and completion dates, projects, and grading are the parent’s responsibility. The self-paced assignments are essentially the lesson plans needed for the student to follow, so there is virtually no upfront lesson prep for parents.

This 10 lesson (plus 2 projects and Africa Mapping final), is typically finished in 12-15 weeks and is equal to 1/2 high school social studies credit for those following the US diploma and transcript model.  For those considering UK exams on geography, this is an excellent introductory course about Africa that should be taken prior to beginning studies for exam preparation.

Course Creator: Shannan Swindler

Required Materials: None! Everything is included.

Parents, no more cobbling your curriculum together and hoping it works! Everything you need is included in this World Geography self-paced class!

Weekly homework assignments, quizzes, and projects. are managed within the self-paced class portal. The video below will give you a sense of what the class is like. While the video is about the live, full-year class, the course content for the Africa self-paced class is the same.

What’s Included in the 15 weeks of Let’s Study Africa World Geography Self-Paced Class?

To ensure your student is provided with a well-rounded approach to world geography this self-paced class offers:

  • Weekly video instruction
  • Daily reading with notebooking/note taking
  • Daily videos that correspond with each African country studied
  • Weekly ‘Did you know…’ current event quizzes.
  • Virtual tours and extension activity worksheets to keep things fun
  • Museum activities
  • Mapping skills practice using a blank map and mapping games for the entire African continent
  • Projects that cover two of the five themes of geography.

Your student will love this self-paced class!


Our Arise Tutor, Shannan Swindler, has been teaching this class for 3 years with excellent reviews on the curriculum and live class sessions.  She recognizes that not all students adapt well to live online classes.  The popularity of this curriculum has allowed her to create individual self-paced courses based on continents.

It is anticipated that the entire self-paced version of the course will be available in summer 2023.

Until then, get started learning about ancient Egypt, the Central African Republic, the Great Sahara Desert, the Serengeti Plains, and difficult-to-pronounce countries like Burkina Faso and Seychelles.  Discover the largest waterfall in Africa and the person who discovered it. These Africa Worksheets and geography lessons contain rich information that will allow your student to enjoy a variety of project ideas as they also complete two projects based on 2 themes of geography. The history of Africa is as vast as the geography of Africa, so it is an opportunity to blend the two subjects and explore the entire map of Africa from a historical, geographical and cultural point of view. The best part is when students will come to you with the interesting facts and current events they learned whilst studying the second-largest continent.  Be prepared for lively dinner conversations and thoughtful questions!

Here’s what parents & students are saying:

My favorite continent was Africa because Africa fascinates me so much I love it, and their culture is head-turning! Also, I think that Africa is easy to study😁. My favorite assignment was Project 2: Environmental/Human Problems, but the assignment I’m most proud of is Project 1: Place because I put a TON of time into it. ~ER, S2 (Scotland)/8th Grader (US)/ Grade 9 (England)

Since we started the Africa geography study from Captivating Compass with my two boys,  geography went from being our least favorite topic,  to being one of our favorites! Their previous geography book was quite boring, so we didn’t hesitate to change the curriculum in the middle of the year and we are not disappointed!  ~RA, European Home Educating Mom

“This has been THE MOST fascinating class. Y’all need to sign your kids up. The project our son just turned in brought tears to my eyes. Shannan Swindler is so thoughtful with delivering a love of geography to her students. Thank you for creating a space where learning and creativity meet and produce great family dinner talks.” ~CF, USA Homeschool Mom

If you want your kids to have a much better comprehensive knowledge and grasp of world geography than almost everyone, and have some fun doing it, then this is the curriculum for you. ~TJS UK Homeschool Dad

Capture the beauty of our world and the curiosity of your homeschooler with the Let’s Study World Geography 

  • Africa Geography Mapping – Practice labeling and memorizing countries, capitals, flags & more.  The basic mapping final will be to label the countries and physical features of Africa. there are plenty of opportunities with the printable worksheets to practice a little each week.
  • Africa Geography Games -Online games help you learn all there is to know about the countries of Africa.
  • Explore Africa’s Travel Destinations – Resources to help you explore Africa’s beautiful travel destinations including virtual museum tours, 360 ‘on-location’ activities, and much more.  Each country is gorgeous! Your student will get to spend time exploring exciting and unique places virtually. Explore South Sudan, the Nile Valley, and the countries of Sub-Saharan Africa, and the beauty of East Africa.
  • Learn Using The Five Themes of Geography – In the Africa self-paced course there are two projects that students will complete based on two of the five themes of geography. In total, they will learn about three of the five themes of geography, with the opportunity to add additional themes if they choose. (all five themes of geography are explored in the full-year version of the course.)  The five themes of geography are Location, Place, Region, Movement, and Human/Environment Interaction. The three themes explored in this self-paced class are Location, Place, and Human/Environment Interaction.

This 12 to15-week self-paced class will cover:

  • All countries in Africa
  • Important moments/events in African history (colonialism, Boer Wars, apartheid, etc)
  • Current events
  • African culture and customs
  • Physical features and political boundaries of Africa
  • Virtual museums and tours of African locations and museum artifacts.
  • Two geography-themed projects
  • Mapping final along with learning geography by using a variety of different, additional maps.

The core, weekly homework for this self-paced class uses the ‘Let’s Study World Geography – Africa’.  The Arise tutor, Shannan Swindler has created this curriculum for homeschoolers worldwide and is excited to offer homeschoolers worldwide the opportunity to learn in a self-paced manner with video instruction for each week’s lesson. This class is taught in English.

What do you, the parent, provide?

  • Discussion and interaction about weekly assignments and projects.
  • Due dates for assignments and projects
  • Grading of all coursework.
  • Opportunities for your student to present information to a group, co-op, or family learning time.

The self-paced class price includes this exclusive curriculum and Africa worksheets from Captivating Compass.

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* A 2-year access to the complete self-paced Africa class from the date of purchase will allow your student ample time to finish this self-paced course. If you wish to extend access beyond the two years, please contact us. We are happy to renew your subscription at the course’s current price.


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