Arise Home Ed. Conference 2025

CS Lewis Mere Christianity Workbook


The CS Lewis Mere Christianity Workbook

Mere Christianity, by CS Lewis, is the text we will be looking at in British Literature and Writing Composition Year 2, second semester. Complete course details here.

CS Lewis Mere Christianity Workbook Includes Lessons in:

  • Workbook to accompany the reading and study of Mere Christianity
  • Biography of Lewis
  • Reading Comprehension exercises based on selected chapters of the text
  • Vocabulary
  • Study how to recognise bias, opinion and fact
  • Study speech writing
  • Project activity to communication the Gospel message.

Discover all that British Literature and Composition Year 2 has to offer as you prepare for UK exams or earn USA transcript credit!


image of Mere Christianity workbook at Arise Home EducationCS Lewis Mere Christianity Workbook

The CS Lewis Mere Christianity workbook helps students to read the challenging text of Mere Christianity. With a large range of discussion questions, students can think about the message of Lewis in the text. There are wider comprehension exercises focusing on a number of the chapters throughout the text. 

Students will also learn about the use of idioms, and how to use them in writing and when they are appropriate.

The workbook helps students think about the messages they find in their own culture. They will look at bias, opinion, and fact, leading to how to recognise propaganda. Given different materials, students will write a speech outlining the Christian view of sexual morality.

There is a project for students to consider how the Christian message can be effectively communicated to this generation of young people.

Course Creator: Emma Cummings

The CS Lewis Mere Christianity Workbook Includes Lessons in:

  • Workbook to accompany the reading and study of Mere Christianity
  • Biography of Lewis
  • Reading Comprehension exercises based on selected chapters of the text
  • Vocabulary
  • Study how to recognise bias, opinion and fact
  • Study speech writing
  • Project activity to communication the Gospel message.


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