Arise Home Ed. Conference 2025

Astronomy Sample Lesson: Intro to Astronomy Curriculum


Original price was: £9.00.Current price is: £0.00.

Check out this Intro to Astronomy Sample Lesson!

In this sample lesson, you will get a sneak peek into what a lesson looks like. You’ll also have the opportunity to learn about the fascinating planet Venus.

This sample lesson is just a taste of what you can expect from the complete self-paced study. It is perfect for homeschooling high school students. The Introduction to Astronomy has everything you need to make learning fun and informative for high schoolers studying the cosmos.

So don’t miss out on this opportunity to delve into the exciting world of astronomy. Get ready to embark on a journey that will expand your understanding of the universe. Try out our sample lesson today and discover all that Introduction to Astronomy has to offer!


image of planets wth text overlay. Intro to Astronomy Sample Lesson available at AriseHomeEducation.comCheck out this Intro to Astronomy Sample Lesson!

In this Astronomy sample lesson, you will get a sneak peek into what a  lesson looks like. Students will also have the opportunity to learn about the fascinating planet Venus.

This sample lesson is just a taste of what you can expect from the complete self-paced study. It is perfect for homeschooling high school students. The Introduction to Astronomy has everything you need to make learning fun and informative for high schoolers studying the cosmos.

So don’t miss out on this opportunity to delve into the exciting world of astronomy. Get ready to embark on a journey that will expand your understanding of the universe. Try out our sample lesson today and discover all that Introduction to Astronomy has to offer!

Keep reading for details about the complete Introduction to Astronomy Self-Paced Course.

Astronomy Curriculum Self-Paced Course Highlights

  • Introduction to the key ideas of Astronomy: how the ancients viewed the heavens, telescopes, and the electromagnetic spectrum.
  • Study the Solar System, the stars, galaxies, and more exotic things like quasars and black holes.
  • Be introduced to the world of cosmology.
  • Weekly video lessons, worksheets, projects, and research activities.
  •  Bonus Maths content for older students.
  •  Apologetics of astronomy

Capture the Wonder of the Stars with Self-Paced Astronomy Curriculum for High School

Introduction to Astronomy is a year-long class that will introduce your child to the wonders of Astronomy. This subject looks at the history of our understanding of the cosmos and our place in it. We will look at the physics of telescopes, Kepler’s Laws, and Newton’s Laws of Motion and Gravitation. Then we will begin to explore the Solar System.

Once we have explored our neighbours we will look further afield to the world beyond the Solar System. We will look at stars in greater detail and their classification, and the process at the heart of them. The course will look at galaxies and more exotic objects like quasars and black holes.

In addition to a weekly video, worksheets, and other activities, there will also be projects throughout the year. Students are encouraged to begin a stargazing journal to record their own observations.

At the end of the course, we will also consider questions around origins, which lead naturally to apologetics.

As this is not a live class with Arise. The pace of the class and completion dates, projects, and grading are the parent’s responsibility. The self-paced assignments are essentially the lesson plans needed for the student to follow, so there is virtually no upfront lesson prep for parents.

For those considering UK exams for Astronomy, this is an excellent introductory course that should be taken prior to beginning studies for exam preparation.

Course Creator: Emma Cummings

Required Materials: None! Everything is included.

Parents, no more cobbling your curriculum together and hoping it works! Everything you need is included in this self-paced class!

Weekly homework assignments, quizzes, and projects. are managed within the self-paced class portal.

Your student will love this self-paced class!


What do you, the parent, provide?

  • Discussion and interaction about weekly assignments and projects.
  • Due dates for assignments and projects
  • Grading of all coursework.
  • Opportunities for your student to present information to a group, co-op, or family learning time.

image of Astronomy curriculum, a self-paced course for high schoolers at AriseHomeEducation.comTap Here to See the Intro. to Astronomy Self-Paced Course

* A 2-year access to the complete self-paced class from the date of purchase will allow your student ample time to finish this self-paced course. If you wish to extend access beyond the two years, please contact us. We are happy to renew your subscription at the course’s current price.


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