Arise Home Ed. Conference 2025

Victorian Poetry Workbook


The Victorian Poetry Workbook

The Victorian Poetry workbook is used in the first semester of British Literature and Writing Composition Year 2. Complete course details here.

The Victorian Poetry Workbook Includes Lessons in:

  • Guided workbook analysing Victorian poetry
  • An overview of the poetry of the Victorian Era
  • Literary analysis and contextual analysis for high school students of more than 5 poems.
  • 37 pages long

Discover all that British Literature and Composition Year 2 has to offer as you prepare for UK exams or earn USA transcript credit!


Use the Victorian Poetry Workbook to learn about the poetry of Alfred Lord Tennyson, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and more poets of the Victorian Era. For each, poet there is a short biography of their life and work. So high school students can discover what shaped each person’s work. 

Poems included in the Victorian Poetry Workbook:

  • Tears, Idle Tears
  • The Charge of the Light Brigade
  • Pied Beauty
  • God’s Grandeur
  • Sonnet 43
  • Additional poems to consider for further study

These poems were revolutionary for their time. We see how the changing face of Britain affected their work and that they wrote in response to the great social changes which were occurring. Barrett Browning brings a unique female view on love and relationships in an era dominated by male writers.

Students are guided through the meaning of the poems; the rhyme and rhythm of the poetry; and the key literary devices the poets deploy. Learn how these devices add to the meaning of the poems. Each poem also includes an essay question to allow students to write a response to the poetry.

The Victorian Poetry workbook is used in the first semester of British Literature and Writing Composition Year 2. Complete course details here.

So don’t miss out on this opportunity to delve into these classic Victorian poems and an exciting era of British history. Get ready to embark on a journey that will expand your understanding of British poetry analysis. Discover what British Literature and Composition Year 2 has to offer as you prepare for UK exams or earn USA transcript credit!

Course Creator: Emma Cummings

The Victorian Poetry Workbook Includes Lessons in:

  • Guided workbook analysing Victorian poetry
  • An overview of the poetry of the Victorian Era
  • Literary analysis and contextual analysis for high school students of more than 5 poems.
  • 37 pages long


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