Classes begin 2 Sept. There's still time to join us. Enrol today. Payment options are available.

Autumn Sale

👇All The Details👇

Save BIG on High School Planning

Make the most of Autumn with these planning resources designed for your busy homeschool schedule.

Each resource is self-paced and has been a BIG hit with so many considering home education. Tap the image to see more details.

Explore the Benefits and Challenges of Home Education: Finding the Perfect Solutions

Join Emma & Shannan for an Autumn catch-up chat about why good record-keeping is important for home educators (no matter which model you use). We also offer some resources to help you learn about the different approaches to qualifications and proof of education in the UK.  

So grab a cuppa and have a listen. Then, head over to explore each of the resources on sale this week.

Save up to 50% this week only

Sale ends 18-October

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Unforgettable Christian Home Education

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