Arise Home Ed. Conference 2025

Why Live Classes?

Why Live Classes?

At Arise Home Education we teach live online classes… but why live classes?

Many course providers have self-paced classes. These are often cheaper, so why choose a live class? It is important to understand the pros and cons of both options, so you can make an informed decision. Online education is a growing sector, with a wide range of costs.

Live classes offer accountability.

This is the main difference, those who have purchased self-paced courses in the past will testify that it is all too easy to neglect them, either abandoning them all together, or taking far longer than you initially planned to complete the course. Live online classes, with a tutor brings accountability. The student is expected to show up to class, and if they do not sure up to two classes in a row (unless the tutor has been informed as to why), then the tutor will contact the parents and touch base. This provides the power of a positive partnership between the tutors and the family.

Live classes bring focus and intentionality.

The tutor sets homework and builds the class to complete the content within the term of the class. This means you or your kids aren’t worried that you are not completing the course on time. The benefit of self-paced is a student can work at their own pace. However, it is very easy for their own pace to begin to lag. Self-paced learning require more self-motivation.

Live classes create community.

Within the classes there is space to discuss concepts and ideas. Students can connect with their peers in the learning environment. However, there are check in place within the virtual classroom to protect your child. In-person learning is a more human experience, where students can connect and engage with the live instructor and classmates.

Live classes have a real tutor, with real-time connection.

Students can bring their problems to the class. Or email the tutor through the week with their questions. The small group classes promote connection, without the risk of your child being forgotten in the sea of faces.

Many parents associate online learning with the horrors of covid. However, live classes at Arise pull on the latest strategies and technologies to make online learning engaging and interactive. Classes are in 40 min blocks, to help students keep focus. Sizes are small, so students are treated as individuals do not get lost in the crowd. There are many benefits of online learning, from the educational to mental health benefits.

Why choose Arise Home Education for your family?

Our live sessions are also taught by tutors with an active Christian faith, and they are also home educators themselves. We understand the need and value of Christian home education.  We want to partner with families to help them find their individual success, providing Christ-centre education.

Benefits of Arise Live Online Classes:

  • Accountability
  • Real relationships
  • Community
  • Interactive
  • Real-time support
  • Keeping up the pace

Online classes allow parents of high school aged kids to access great lessons that may not be in their skill set. At Arise we have classes to enable you to progress to exams, but also to gain high school credits for a high school diploma. The interactive nature of the classes gives a great learning experience for students.

Furthermore, although students are committed to attending the live session, this doesn’t mean you are tied down. Online learning means you can learn anywhere. Students can access classes wherever they have internet access. Thus preserving the freedom of home education.

We understand no model of education is without its negatives. However, we hope to mitigate the cons of online learning through intentionality, bringing best practices into the class experience.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

When do classes begin?

The current year’s academic calendar can be found here.

Is this a Christian home education?

Yes. You can read our statement of faith here.

Can you explain the UK exam Model and the USA Transcript model?

See how our British Lit & Comp class and contextual British History Class work together to provide success for both home education models. Read about it here. A class looking at great works of classic British literature, which have helped shape the history of Western civilisation from

Christian Home Education in the UK is new to me. Do you have resources for parents?

Yes! We are excited to partner with you. You will learn so much from the Arise 2023 Home Education conference recordings as well as the Home Education Success in the UK Workshop. Additionally, head to the blog for even more resources about Christian Home education in the UK. You may also want to grab this free workbook Christian Home Education in the UK: 10 Things to Consider.

Does Arise Home Education offer self-paced classes for high schoolers?

Yes! We offer self-paced classes for high schoolers. Check here to see the growing selection.

Arise Live Courses

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Flexible Self-Paced Courses & Sample Lessons

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